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Talia – Junior Designer

By February 21, 2019Uncategorized

We want to introduce the newest member to the Entrawood design and marketing team, Talia Naidoo. She has only been with us for 2 weeks and has already made a huge impression with her vibrant energy and positive attitude. We interviewed her to find out more about about her and her design approach.

Where and what did you study?
I studied a BA Interior Design and The Vega School of Branding and Design in Bordeaux, Johannesburg.

After completing your studies, what made you choose the corporate/commercial interior design over say home, or retail?
While commercial, residential and retail all have a common ground, commercial design requires great needs that has to be carefully designed and created with a distinct purpose and plan. There are unique requirements and careful thought that comes with commercial design, where you are constantly learning new things and keeping up with the latest commercial trends, and I enjoy that challenge!

Which 3 words best describe you?
Determined, Passionate, Conscientious.




Choose one of the following design philosophies that resonate with you:

  1. Function over form
  2. Aiming for “WOW!”
  3. Less is more
  4. Proportion is everything

 Less is more. I believe that minimalism shows an appreciation for space.

How was your 1st two weeks at Entrawood?
My first two weeks at Entrawood were amazing!
The Entrawood family have been so warm and welcoming. I could not be more excited to keep growing, and learning from the team.

Do you have a message for our clients/dealers?
Entrawood offers innovative, quality products couple with service of an unmatched calibre. Entrawood can assure that each individuals need is met and that each product is unique to the client but still has the Entrawood signature mark.