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Stand-up Meetings

By July 30, 2015August 28th, 2023Uncategorized

We have officially launched a Stand-up Meeting table as part the Evolution range.

Companies like Google implemented stand-up meetings – otherwise known as “Stand-up” – a couple of years ago and since then it has grown with popularity as companies realised how effective, fast and focused these meetings can be.

Why your office needs a stand-up meeting table:

  • Quick, impromptu meetings speed up decision making.
  • Freedom of movement, naturally encourages expression and participation.
  • Space saving – the stand-up meeting table (including bar stools) takes up less space than a traditional boardroom table with chairs.
  • A comfortable height (elbow height) to gather around.
  • The bar around the base of the table, serves as a comfortable foot rest.

What’s not to love?
For product details and available colours click on the button below:

Stand-up Meeting Table

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