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Food for thoughtOffice Layout Solutions


“Collaboration” and “Communication” are words that have been used more and more in association with Office planning, furniture and employee satisfaction. As more businesses adopt and incorporate the concept of improving the flow of people and information in an office space, there is an increase demand for designers to create more ways for employees to meet, and more links and overlaps between departments integrating all people and aspects of a…
January 12, 2015
Food for thoughtLayoutOffice Layout Solutions

Layout Project with BHC School of Design

Entrawood Office Furniture Solutions recently collaborated with BHC School of Design to create a design and layout challenge for the Second year students. The aim of the project was to give young up and coming interior designers a taste for office Design as well as challenge their layout and conceptualisation skills. Students were given an office layout of 250m2 into which they had to arrange at least 37 individual work…
May 12, 2014