Above image is made up of the following products

Salon Straight Reception Unit
A workstation only (excludes storage)
Knock Down
Adjustable ferruls
Cable management Ports
Wire management Basket

1200 x 732 x 1160
1500 x 732 x 1160
1800 x 732 x 1160
2100 x 732 x 1160
2400 x 732 x 1160
2700 x 732 x 1160

Salon Corner Reception Unit
Does not include storage (sold seperately)
Knock Down
Adjustable ferruls
Cable management Ports
Wire management Basket
1900 x 1900 x 1160
 Salon Slipper Chair
Knock Down
710 x 600 x 880

Retro Fabric – SKU 632 720 001
Vulcan Fabric – SKU 632 720 002
Customer Own Material (COM)  – SKU 632 720 003

Salon Reception Storage Unit
Storage fits next to a straight or corner Salon reception unit
2 Drawer, 1 D/F & Shelf
Cable management Ports
Adjustable ferruls
400 x 750 x 1200
Salon Coffee Table
Steel Frame
Floating top

450 x 450 x 400
710 x 710 x 400
1200 x 800 x 400
1500 x 710 x 400

Modular by Nature

The Salon Reception range is a modular range that allows you to rearrange it in many ways to suit different spaces and office layouts.

Salon Range Supplement


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