Align Studio‘s recently did the layout, design, furniture procurement and installation for this fast growing company needed a larger space to host their growing team, that also offered closed or private meeting spaces, and more social lounges and canteen areas for employees to mingle.

We used Slim Line work stations for the open plan space, with desktop power and localised storage for personal items. The sliding door cabinets offer extra storage and some privacy to each team cluster.
Patterned fabric along with red and blue fabrics were used to incorporate their corporate colours into the space. They will be getting desk top screens/partitions with these same colours that will also help to dampen some of the echo sounds in the space. Power sets on the desks provides plug-and-play functionality to each workstation.
We also considered the positioning of fututre workstations to make sure that the available space will serve the business for the next 3-4 years.