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Food for thoughtUncategorized

Why do work lounges matter in an Office Space?

Wireless technology has had a major impact on the way people work, and consequently on the layout of a modern office. Gone are the days when work should be done from a desk or office. Wireless technology has unlocked mobility and allows people to work from coffee shops, home, airport lounge or on the fly from their smartphones. The modern office has had to adapt in layout as well as…
March 19, 2019

Talia – Junior Designer

We want to introduce the newest member to the Entrawood design and marketing team, Talia Naidoo. She has only been with us for 2 weeks and has already made a huge impression with her vibrant energy and positive attitude. We interviewed her to find out more about about her and her design approach. Where and what did you study? I studied a BA Interior Design and The Vega School of…
February 21, 2019
Food for thoughtUncategorized

Design an Employee Experience

Design Experiences In a time when critical thinking, creativity and teamwork drives and supports growth, your employees are your most important asset. Designing an environment, not just for visual impact, but also for health, comfort, flexibility and ease of use, ensures that you attract and retain top talent. Key factors influencing an employee experience Focus on facilitating the wide range of work activities and design the space around that, rather…
November 23, 2018
Food for thoughtLayout


Every Year Entrawood collaborates with The BHC, Their 2nd year Interior Design students are briefed to do the layout of a modern agile office for a fictional client and express the company's culture through their choice of furniture, colour and finishes – they could choose 1 the following: Glow - Mobile fitness app (such as Sweat, by Kayla Itsines) Wakanda Regional Police station office (such as SAPD) LeveL Architecture Firm…
November 22, 2018
Food for thoughtUncategorized

48 Hour Office Design Brief – Inscape 2nd Years 2018

Entrawood collaborated with Inscape 2nd year Interior Design students in the planning of a modern agile office. To simulate a real-world scenario, the students only had 48 Hours to complete the project. A presentation, by Entrawood Product and Marketing Manager, Nushke Grobler, on the evolution of office furniture over time, as well as the latest office trends and how it may be incorporated into the office layout and the mood…
November 14, 2018
Food for thoughtUncategorized

Zine 2018

Unlock Potential In a time when critical thinking, creativity and teamwork drives and supports growth, your employees are your most important asset. Designing an environment, not just for visual impact, but also for health, comfort, flexibility and ease of use, ensures that you attract and retain top talent. In this edition we investigate the structural and environmental elements you can use to create a great employee experience. BY ENTRAWOOD
August 14, 2018
Food for thoughtManufacturingOffice Furniture

Shell Executive Launch

The new Executive Shell Desk and storage will be launching at Decorex Joburg, in the 100% Design Hall this year. What makes an executive office different from any other Single desk with side storage? Is it merely size or is it a work surface shaped to the user needs? Is it the colour, or is it a combination of materials, shaped and combined with intention? Is an executive office meant…
July 17, 2018
Food for thoughtUncategorized

Visit to NeoCon 2018

It was such a privilege and hugely inspiring to attend NeoCon 2018 in Chicago. The showrooms in The Mart show us what every office could and should look like in the future. Spaces are engaging, connecting and interacting with the furniture and technology is effortless and fun. The material enhancements and R&D is incredible, think light-weight semi-transparent curtain that acts as a sound absorber, or film that can be put…
July 12, 2018
Food for thoughtLayout

Entrawood at Design Joburg 2018

Design Joburg 2018 took place from 25 - 27 May at the Sandton convention centre. Featuring Rooms-On-View, a range of concept stands curated by different designers, each with a theme, colour and room focus, bringing together the very latest in décor and design from the African continent, in a cohesive and considered layout. There were also many branded stands putting their best foot forward in very impressive displays. Entrawood is proud…
May 29, 2018