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Natasha’s joined the team

By July 7, 2017July 12th, 2017Food for thought

Natasha Crafford has joined our team from July 2017. She has been a force to be reckoned with in the South African, office furniture industry. Natasha began her career in office furniture with Cecil Nurse in 2009 and quickly moved up the ranks.  She has always been a fan of Entrawood and we have even quoted her on our website, expressing gratitude. This lady is outgoing, very knowledgeable and we are thrilled to have her in our corner. She answered a few questions to give us more insight into her like, dislikes and passions.

How did you start your career in the Office furniture industry?

I started my career with Cecil Nurse as a Junior External Consultant in 2010 and furthered to the Corporate team where I gained most of my market specific experience, from there I moved to SW Contracts as Head of Sales and specialised in Premium Italian designer occasional furniture

What do you think is going to be the biggest challenge in your new role as Entrawood sales consultant?

With a Brilliant Company such as Entrawood no challenge is too big, nothing is unobtainable with a company whose prerogative is to empower their employees in a structured, friendly, dynamic and understanding environment, with all the internal departments always willing to assist no matter what, as a team we endeavour to obtain high levels of service

Which 3 words best describe you?

Confident, Dynamic, Strategic.

What are your hobbies and pursuits outside of the office?

Music, yoga, learning to play the guitar, various outdoor activities.

How was your first week with Entrawood?

I was astounded at the growth of Entrawood having visited the Factory, I met with the Entrawood/Entrakor team and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work with an amazing, diligent and hard working committed team.

Do you have a message for your clients?

My clients can expect high levels of service, before and after Sales, they can expect specialist solutions for all their requirements and Project Management