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Layout Project with BHC School of Design

By May 12, 2014September 29th, 2014Food for thought, Layout, Office Layout Solutions

Entrawood Office Furniture Solutions recently collaborated with BHC School of Design to create a design and layout challenge for the Second year students.

The aim of the project was to give young up and coming interior designers a taste for office Design as well as challenge their layout and conceptualisation skills. Students were given an office layout of 250m2 into which they had to arrange at least 37 individual work stations using the Entrawood Evolution Range. They could choose any company to visually express the company character and mood through their mood boards and renders. They were asked to take into consideration recent industry trends, typical employee structure (of their chosen company) and practical planning to create a office with optimum flow of staff and information, whilst styling the office to best exhibit their company identity.

There were some very exciting projects with grand themes and creative executions and many interesting layouts. There was also a lot to be learnt from this challenge by both the students and Entrawood. We are very excited about the possibility of making this an annual student challenge. Congratulations to Aimee de Villiers who presented an elegant project with well considered layout solutions and a clear yet simple showcase of her company’s identity.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]