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SHARED office spaces

By February 11, 2020February 4th, 2021Food for thought

6 Factors that increase the use of shared spaces

Shared office spaces that look great and add a fun or comfortable dynamic to the office. However they are often not used frequently or as intended. Here are 6 key factors to take into consideration when you design an office space that offers employees choice.

Tools For The Task

People prefer to work in spaces that make it easy.

Consider the following; a writing surface, appropriate seating (with back support and not too low), display monitor or whiteboard, the size, shape & height of the meeting table (if any).

People & Their Things

Desks and chairs support actual work/tasks. Tick, however, people come with belongings, which need to be placed or secured somewhere. Choose between local storage or centralised lockers.

Recharge & Connect

People are more likely to work in spaces where they can Plug-n-play.

Quick and easy WiFi connections are expected. A lack thereof causes frustration.

Offer Privacy

People naturally gravitate towards areas that offer some form of privacy. Whether it is to have a meeting or to minimise distractions and do focused work. It is possible to create semi-private spaces in an open plan layout.

Is it Truly Agile?

Are your shared office spaces flexible? Spaces should be able to change to suit the needs of different people and various tasks? Incorporate flexible, mobile or adjustable furniture and tools. Also, ensure people know that they are allowed to move the furniture around.

Proximity is key

To ensure that work lounges, coffee stations, impromptu meeting furniture and other shared office spaces are regularly and effortlessly used, they should be close to workstations.

3 important considerations in shared spaces

The pandemic has made us hyper-aware of our health, cleanliness and interactions with one-another. Here are 3 key factors, specifically relating to shared office spaces to make staff and visitors feel safe and cared for.

Cleanliness – Smart Materials

Shared spaces inevitably come in to contact with different people throughout the workday. Opting for anti-bacterial materials on table/countertops helps to minimise the spread of pathogens between people.

Partition screens could be upholstered with anti-microbial, water and soil-resistant fabrics, to make them easy to clean.

Sanitisation Stations

Ensure that the reception area, meeting spaces and cafeteria or kitchen areas are regularly cleaned, but also have sanitisation stations (preferably near an entrance) and signage to encourage the use of hand sanitiser.

The Virtual Meeting Option

Virtual meetings have become a very normal way to engage. Ensure that meeting spaces also incorporate Screens, Cameras, Speakers, power docs etc. to make a virtual meeting effortless.